How To Donate
- JM will provide donation envelopes through our request form. Please be sure to include your address if you would like a tax-deduction receipt.
- Please contact us at [email protected] if you will be sending a donation. We will work with you to ensure your donations arrival.
- If sending multiple envelopes, please keep individual envelopes intact within one larger envelope.
- Please send donations by tracking shipment systems such as FedEx or DHL.
Tax-deductibility of Donations
Jerusalem Ministry uses the following guidelines to keep in accordance with the Better-Business Bureau (BBB), the IRS:
IMPORTANT: If donating a percentage or specific amount of corporate sales, sale of a good or service, or the entire amount of a good or service to JM, the percentage or amount donated (25%, $1,000, etc.) must be clearly listed on all printed materials, web site or wherever else applicable..
Donations refer to all tax-deductible donations, whether cash, check, credit card or stock transfer. Jerusalem Ministry will provide a tax-deductible receipt to donors for the exact amount of their donations. The receipt may be presented to the IRS for tax-deduction purposes.
- Personally donating a percentage of your company's sales
- Giving 10% of sales from your restaurant by sending a check to JM. JM would return a tax-deductible receipt for the same amount.
- Personally donating the proceeds from a charity event
- Holding a benefit concert in support of Jerusalem Ministry. JM would provide a tax-deductible receipt for the amount sent in.
- Asking people to directly donate to Jerusalem Ministry
- Holding an information session on the history and goals of JM and asking for financial support. Please collect donations, remembering to include donors' addresses for those wishing tax-deductible receipts, and send via the most convenient method (mail or wire transfer).
Donations with Goods and Services Received
These are payments to JM in which an individual receives a good or service for his or her payment. JM will give a gift receipt for these payments and will only give a tax-deductible receipt if the payment exceeds the value of the good or service received.
- Having a bake sale, yard sale, etc., in which the price includes a donation to JM. Selling cakes and desserts for $50, when they are valued at $5. Consumers would be given a tax-deductible receipt for $45.