January 25 - 27, 2010
Jerusalem Ministry held our second annual Arts and Crafts camp for 4th - 6th grade girls from 5 children homes around Seoul. It was such a blessed time with 23 young girls and 29 committed volunteers from 5 different churches. The purpose of this camp was to witness Christ’s love through a wonderful time of making different Art projects. The children made graham cracker houses (to look forward to the mansions that they will live in heaven), decorative t-shirts, thank you cards (to appreciate those whom they cared for), jewelry boxes (with a mirror in it signifying they are God's treasure), calendars (with their photo shoot pictures), and tiles. It was an amazing time of art therapy both for the girls and for the volunteers as they laughed and shared the love of Christ with one another.

Jae Ah Suh
The camp this year held a lot of wonderful surprises. On the surface, things seemed so unchanged from last year--cute kids, laughter, and paint everywhere--that I almost felt like I had travelled back in time. But ten minutes into the first craft I noticed that so much had actually changed. For one thing, the girl I had worked with throughout last year's camp had completely grown up. Well, almost. Jin-Joo had not just grown a couple inches taller in the past year, but she had also matured in the most lovely way...she was still the quirky, creative girl I knew previously...probably the only one in the room who made eyes, a nose, and a mouth for her unique gingerbread house! But what struck me was the difference in her attitude; the fact that she wasn't grouchy or getting into pretend-fist-fights with her friends anymore. Instead she was focused and having fun...and actually smiling for the camera! I was pretty amazed. And I felt a genuine sense of awe and respect for her guardians--I knew they must have poured out their hearts at the orphanage throughout the year for Jin Joo to have made so much progress in understanding she was loved. But I also wondered if a tiny part of the changes could have been caused by seeds I had planted in Jin-Joo at last year's camp. It was a really encouraging thought...especially as I struggled to get my girl this year, Hyun-Jung, to let down her walls. Perhaps God always puts me with the difficult ones because I am able to relate to them most... :p Hopefully next year I will get to see Hyun-Jung smiling at the camera too.
JooHee Kim
Volunteering at Jerusalem Ministry's Arts and Crafts Camp this year was my first experience interacting with girls from children's homes. As I was preparing my heart prior to the camp, I wished that I would be an effective, helpful resource to the girls in any way that I could, being aware that they were coming from underprivileged environments. Switching this somewhat arrogantly self-conceived role of me as the teacher and the giver though, the girls showered me instead with their leadership, cooperative spirit and communal skills, which were evident throughout our activities together, and of course, their unmatched cute smiles.
The girl whom I worked most closely with, Sojin, was initially very shy, but she soon opened up and exhibited her own artistic style. She went on to show leadership when she and I were building the gingerbread house together; she delegated tasks saying, “Eemo (at other times Sunsangnim), I'll do this, this and this, if you could do this, this and that, and then we can put them together.” When making the jewelry box, she expressed that she wanted the lid to be attached to the box when opened, and soon we discovered that ribbons and a glue-gun would do the trick. The fact that she was always with ideas and considering alternatives even when the sample works had a certain established form really inspired me. At times when accidents happened, such as a crack in a graham cracker wall or a misplaced hole for the calendar, she easily let go and kept going to make the best of each situation.
Not just Sojin, but the girls collectively were some of the most insightful, quick-thinking, inventive, animating, fun-loving and diligent children of their age that I had ever known, albeit our brief three-day interaction. Perhaps this is why I was surprised when it dawned on me toward the end of the first day, that unlike most children of their age, when these girls head back home now, they would be going back together to their shared homes, not individually to their own parents who would welcome them with hugs, attention and love.
This cold reminder made me realize and personally attest to that what they really need is not some mega-resource person or something that can be seen or measured, but simply, and most worthily, an extension of God's love. And it was humbling for me to see that God was using someone like me to minister to these girls in love. Many times, I'm arrogant and greedy with a mere desire to help others but lacking in any practical ideas or skill sets that I can indeed bring to others. But I realized that all these things aside, what God desires is His love to touch, connect and fill our lives, and that in this place of love, it is possible for someone as lacking as me to be used by Him to serve others, because this love is not from men but from God, and He enables the works of love.
The Arts and Crafts Camp was a learning and growing experience for me. It reminded me of the great joy and blessing in serving others and has broken down some fear and barriers to serving that seem to have built up inside me recently. Through the camp, I once again realized the importance and the power of God's love in everything, especially in ministry works. I'm thankful for the gift of friendship with the girls and for the ability to pray for them hereon. Just thinking about how God can raise these talented girls to be beautiful warriors of the Lord really excites me! Lastly, at the camp, I was really blessed by the spiritual meaning of the art activities. As a Christian and an art major, I always wondered how one can serve others through the arts. There certainly seem to be many ways, but I always desire to witness the power of God's love in art to bless others... Activities that we did at the camp and how they tied in with different aspects of God's love for the girls and all of us, has been an awesome illustration of how art-making, in the significance of His love, can bless people. As I was working with the girls, I myself was reminded of God's love for me, and found the activities to be healing. I hadn't been in that kind of warm art-making environment for a few years, and I felt like I was being refreshed by Lord even as I was there to serve the girls. I'm only filled with joy and thanks to God as I reflect on the camp and the girls. (And a bit of physical tiredness, which did come at some point during the camp, totally vanished after a good night's rest. PTL! ^^)
Solnae Park
Our God is an awesome God and His joy is our strength!
I was overjoyed and blessed to have been part of this camp. As I was on my way to pick up the girls at Namsanwon, I was really excited to see them and at the same time a little nervous about the whole camp. But as soon as I walked in, the girls were all smiles and excited for the camp! I was so happy to see them and we got comfortable with each other instantly. God really went ahead of us and prepared each person's heart for this camp. I felt the presence of God in the room throughout all three days of the camp. I had so much fun (Maybe even more than the girls...) and it was such a blessing to get to know the girls. Jieun, HaeRan and Nari who were at our table blessed me so much with their smiles and a very good sense of humor. It was just amazing to see how wonderfully and interestingly God had made these girls. It was awesome to see God's love just showering upon the girls as we went back to Namsanwon. They were all eager to show off what they worked on all day to their aunties. I felt that God was so pleased with these girls. I also got so many hugs from the girls that I felt so loved! I really miss the girls and I can't wait for the next camp. So when are we going to have this camp again?
Christy Yook
As a graphic designer, I've always had vision to serve children for healing and sharing His love through making arts (via helping them to visualize their wonderful ideas into forms and colors), and it was also one of the main reasons why I decided to move to Korea this past year -- to find ways to work for such opportunities. When I got the email about Arts and Crafts camp through attending Jubilee church, I felt a bit shy and hesitant to sign up at first because I was a new comer to Jerusalem ministry and didn't know anyone. However, when we met for the first meeting to gather ideas, my initial feelings got disappeared as I could sense the warmness and joy that everyone showed on their face, which was the reflection of their serving heart for Jesus. On the first day of the camp, I was assigned to a table named "Sarah," and my partner was Hye-yeon from Namsan-won. Our initial bonding was a bit distant because she seemed to be reserved and cool but as we were working on each project, we slowly became more intimate towards each other and she started sharing more about herself. I have never really worked with the orphans before and didn't know how to approach to them at first, so all I could do was to have smile and bless them through our interactions. And as the days progressed, I was really surprised to see the creativity, joy, and excitements that flew out of every girls. I could feel that God was working with each and every one of us in that place and it was truly sad to have the time of farewell after three days. "Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" (Matthew 19:14) From this experience, I learned that God really cares for His children and wants to bring back and bless those who are lost in this world. We could not have done it if it wasn't for our savior who love us unconditionally and gave us the new life to eternal heaven. I am so grateful for such opportunity to serve children even though it lasted very short, and hope that He will continue to do His work to reveal His amazing love among us all.
Kristen Rawlins
I've always been one to sign up for things with friends, something about having that security of someone by your side makes me more confident to do things. But I when I heard about the craft camp, and realized it fit perfectly into my scheduled vacation days, I knew God was pushing me to do something on my own and was giving me the perfect opportunity (something where I'd be completely in my element). So that was cool in and of itself. After signing up I met a few people at Jubilee who were also going to be involved (so my nerves started to settle a little). Then I got an email from Karin asking me for my Korean ability. I knew that I would likely be accommodated appropriately given that my Korean skills amount to nothing, so this didn't discourage me; but it really opened my eyes to the fact that I would have to work that much harder to love on these girls through the language barrier. From that point I started praying that God would show me how to love admits the language divide. By the end of the three days I felt like I had a list of ways to love beyond words. God had answered my prayer!! Amen! But what really struck me as awesome was how He answered this prayer through the girls themselves. They loved on my so hard despite the fact that there was a language barrier. They were patient with me when I didn't understand, and they didn't give up on me by going to another volunteer for help. They made sure to include me in everything down to lunch time conversation by asking other people to translate things for me. They greeted me every morning with a warm smile and "Hello!!". To be honest, I totally expected most of the girls to shy away from me because I clearly wasn't korean and clearly didn't understand a word of Korean, but instead they did just the opposite, they embraced my differences and loved on me none the less.
This is just one of the many ways the craft camp has left a beautiful+huge impression on my heart which has been an amazing blessing. I could have never anticipated something so awesome and memorable. God is good!
Julie Chung
The arts and craft camp was an awesome experience. It amazed me how all the volunteers from different background have come together to show love of Jesus to the girls. Another great thing was the girls. The girl I helping the craft was constantly complaining and not satisfied of her own work and my help on her craft. She kept complaining all the way to last craft, calendar making. She decorated first page of her calendar and wondering around the room asking other volunteer to draw a picture on her calendar. It seemed like she didn’t even care about her calendar. At the end of the day, when I gave her the calendar that I made, her face was filled with smile and surprise. She was checking out every part of the calendar with smile on her face. I realized at that moment that the quality of the craft didn’t matter. I could see that she was really happy to see her calendar and picture.
The camp was exhausted, crazy and bit discouraging at the moment but over all it was awesome because there were so many joys in the girls. And the greatest thing is that God is being glorified through this joy and laughter of the girls.
Ashley Kirklen
The entire camp was a blessing and a learning lesson. Even though I was fasting the entire time, God really kept me and not once did I feel sick or tired! When I am teaching my regular students, I get tired and even a little irritable, but that time I felt alert. Also, unlike my regular students, the girls were so appreicative and nice! IDK if this is because the camp was all girls and no boys, but they weren't rowdy and complaining like my students and other people I've heard of students.
Seungha Yoo
Through the camp I was able to explore the Father's heart for us. To see the beautiful children like any others without their own parents just broke my heart. The whole passion for the orphanage ministry came into my heart and compelled me to love them with His heart. The camp stepped my feelings for the children up and granted me visions and goals for them.
The loving atmosphere was so sweet! To have another revelation of our Father's heart was a total blessing to me!
Helen Jeon
God's love was evident throughout the three days of camp, and His handprints were definitely all over it. I was encouraged by how all the volunteers served and loved on the girls even when the girls acted up. It was lovely to see each volunteer paired up with a girl. All the girls got a lot of attention, care, and love! I know that the girls were blessed from this camp.
Tony Park
Having volunteered the summer soccer camp for boys, i thought it would be great to volunteer again for the art camp. however, having no artistic talents what so ever, i was bit worried, but i was willing to help out any way i could. The first day, i found myself pretty useless, as the girls wanted more attention and help from the female volunteers. So i decided if i couldnt help with the art products, then i would serve them through other ways. This 'other' way was to joke around with the girls, clean up after them, bringing materials and food, and other manual labour stuff. hahaha. through these small things, i saw how happy the girls were and this was a blessing to me. maybe next time, the girls would trust me bit more with the art stuff. hahaha.
Ji Yeon Yoo
Before this camp, I used to avoid kids :P
I just found them annoying.. didn't know what to do with them.. it was just awkward b/w me and kids!
To the point where I didn't even want to have kids in the future..
But yeh, this camp completely changed me! hallelujah~ ^O^
I LOVE kids now....XD i LOVED every moment of this camp.
First of all, I was just really surprised that kids.. Wanted me !
and Everytime a kid came to me,, for the things that I can give or do, I was just really blessed...glad and was Loved!
I was also very surprised at myself, for actually wanting to satisfy(?) her wants! whatEVER that is.. it did not matter...
I only wished that I know more accurately of what it is that she wants....and wished that I could provide better things!
I also wished that there could be like... 5 of me :P
I really wanted to give each kid my full, 100% attention!
but oh.. I was so limited physically!
and some kids..(especially mir...) would get jealous..and hurt.. I guess... T-T
Being God would be a really convenient thing in this sense!
God is awesome!!
I am SO GLAD that I was part of this camp!
I found out more about my true-self! my true identity and calling on this earth! ^^
Experiencing Father's Heart for the kids was just... priceless! ^^ His love is so big!
Min Sook Hong
I thank God for the wonderful time that I had with the girls and also the volunteers. I was worried at first because I had no art-related talent or skills and most
of the volunteers were art majors so I was afriad that I wouldn't be any help to the girls. But thanks to wonderful volunteers like Rachel, Amy and Jiyeon, it didn/t matter
much to the girls and I was so thankful that the girls in our table were opening to us. Even Ahyoung who was at first not responding to our compliments and showing of
interests, later she was smiling and responded to our hugs and kisses. Not only did the girls had fun but I had so much fun as well. Although I had no art skills the activites
were so much fun and I think it was because it was different from korean arts class activity. I was so blessed especially when Minsun shared about herself in her letter that she gave me and I know that God has so much in store for them. Spending time with them, doing things together, talking together is just the relationship God wants and I'm
glad I got the opportunity to talk and spend time with such precious princesses.
Seungkyung Lee
I was very blessed by the way the kids loved me back which I didn't expect. I mostly worked with Jeahyun(재현). She is such a lovely girl, and she touched me with several tiny stuff (such as getting me a drink, ice cream, sweet words. still small, but big enough to surprise me). and I was reminded that how much Jesus loved children, and the reason why he said his disciples that he loved children. When I had to say goodbye to my girl, I hugged her, and something broke my heart all of a sudden, I felt like I hadn't given her much love, at least not as much as I should. so I ended up tearing up, and my girl cried with me. then I got to realize every kid deserves so much love and how beautifully and purely they accept love when I give. I was totally amazed. and every time I step up to bless others, they bless and surprise me with much more love. haha
so now I'd like to get involved more stuff with kids and love them. haha
It was such a blessed time! Thank everyone and of course heavenly father as well.